Who we are

vb&t Capital markets is an enterprising, internationally oriented real estate consultancy. We are a subsidiary of a Dutch expert in real estate management, which operates on the European real estate market from seven offices and with over 200 professionals. Our focus is mainly on markets in the Benelux countries and in Germany.

We can offer practical advice and support whether you are interested in residential property, commercial or logistics real estate, healthcare property or parking facilities. And that extends to new developments, renovations and inner city regeneration and development. You can benefit most from our strengths by involving us at an early stage in decisions relating to your portfolio investments, dispositions and/or expansions.

This is what we want to mean

The days when property values rose automatically year after year are over. Asset managers or investors like you can no longer rely on that as a matter of course. Today’s reality is that the value of your real estate, with the exception of property in attractive locations, is to be found in the good relationship you have with your tenants. And that therefore means the extent to which the property meets their expectations or – even better – exceeds them.

The challenge is for you, the investor, investment manager or asset manager to set out an extremely effective ‘performance strategy’ and abide by it throughout the entire lifetime of your investments or portfolio.

vb&t Capital Markets wil u hierbij als zakenpartner blijvend adviseren en ondersteunen. Uitgaande van de wensen en verwachtingen van uw huurders en daarmee dus van uw belang. Op onze beurt willen wij de professionele en betrokken partner zijn, die uw verwachtingen steeds opnieuw overtreft. Een partner die tot in het kleinste detail het verschil voor u maakt.

The value of your real estate is to be found in the extent to which you exceed your tenants’ expectations.

This is our strength

vb&t Capital Markets biedt u circa 50 jaar ervaring, een uitstekend netwerk, professionele expertise en een even uitgebreid als overtuigend track record. Maar wat ons echt onderscheidt van andere vastgoedadviseurs, is onze onorthodoxe en resultaatgerichte aanpak. Een aanpak die aansluit bij de ambitie van vb&t groep om ook het langjarig property management voor u te verzorgen. Wat wij u adviseren, willen en kunnen wij in de toekomst ook voor u realiseren. Met andere woorden: wij geven u geen kortstondige advies dat uitsluitend gericht is op het doen van een transactie. Wij zetten voor u de juiste stip op de horizon. En dat maakt ons daadwerkelijk anders. Tot een zakenpartner die u blijvend terzijde staat.

Don’t expect us to produce endless, expensive reports on strategies and scenarios. We will provide you with specific, ‘hands-on’ solutions that leave you in charge and noticeably save you time and money. Unconventional solutions for the challenges you face that add tangible value to your company balance sheet time and time again.

Clients describe us as having a personal touch, being focused on results, reliable, fast and discrete.

What you will recognise in us

  • Customer focus
    We examine your wishes and needs in depth and with sincerity and always base our thinking and our actions on your interests. Efficiently, thoroughly and effectively.
  • Reliable
    We do all we can to satisfy you, but in so doing, we set clear boundaries. Clarity makes us disciplined and honourable.
  • Specialist
    We are specialists in all the disciplines our company comprises. As such, we are a single practical specialist that makes complex matters easy to follow and, by so doing, reduces possible risks for you.
  • Collaboration
    Our business units are not alone in working closely together. We are also always looking for new, lasting partners that can give you and us added value.
  • Enterprising
    We seek out, see, create and make the most of opportunities: innovatively, courageously, but always in control.
  • Innovation
    We are constantly looking for new opportunities to enrich and modernize our services by challenging each other to come up with new insights and exploring new paths.

vb&t Group

Because vb&t has everything under one roof, we can relieve you of all the work and your concerns. Our various business units know where to find each other easily and coordinate their activities carefully. You can be sure of fast, smooth progress and of the best advice.

What is even more important is our firm belief that real estate is there to serve people and that people should therefore be at the heart of everything we do. You will discover that vb&t is a committed partner looking for a pleasant, long-term relationship.